
Today was solid. Pretty irritated about someone breaking my bar...but the day was still solid.

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  • What happend to it?

    Jonathon Smithson posted

  • Looks like someone tried to use the edge of it to open their beer bottle. 2 big ol gouges in the bar top.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • You can repair "dents" by steaming them out, gouges are a different story. About the only thing you can do is go to ace and get the color putty wood filler. They have a bunch of different colors so you can try to match as best as possible (fairly cheap too so you can grab a few colors). It wont be perfect but should look better.

    Jonathon Smithson posted

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  • happen to kno where red is?

    Vdoritos posted comments

  • sucks man. I did that once in as a freshman at a frat house and felt terrible. stinks it was in your own house you paid for. hopefully whoever did it offers to pay for repairs

    beerbottleman posted