
Is it possible to have a food hangover? ...cause in pretty sure I have one. Freakin fair food.

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  • What did you eat? Sad we didn't meet up with you guys! We had to head back Saturday so it went really fast

    Ashley Meyer Jacobi posted

  • i know it... i wish we would've made it out there.

    i had a hot beef sundae, pork chop on a stick, couple bites of some grilled corn on the cob, couple bites of a guinea grinder, the fried cheese curds, and 2 beers.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • I think they call that diaharea (sp)

    Stephen E Rosenshein posted

twitter comments

  • RT @broox: Is it possible to have a food hangover? ...cause in pretty sure I have one. Freakin fair food.

    lancebenz posted

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