
I have been married to an amazing person for 5 years, today. Life is awesome.

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facebook comments

  • Happy Anniversary!!!! Love you guys!

    Vicki Brooks Terronez posted

  • Congratulations man!

    Benjamin Abbott posted

  • Yes you have! Happy for both of you. Happy anniversary!

    Matt Terronez posted

twitter comments

  • @broox @kbroox Happy Anniversary you two love birds. World's happiest/cutest couple for sure!

    Vdoritos posted

  • Wondering if @broox sang to @kbroox last night "tomorrow will come and girl I can't wait, its our anniversary." Just a thought :)

    DreaArzuaga posted

  • wtf. No.

    broox posted

  • you need to get on that Tony! Toni! Tone!

    DreaArzuaga posted

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