
My wife just got my name tattooed on her side... Haha. What a sucker... How hilarious would it be if I divorced her real quick?

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facebook comments

  • Aww, not very. That's not gonna come off. I wanna see a pic BTW.

    Tia Bougher posted

  • pic!

    Shannon Peters posted

  • Yay! Derek its your turn! Get Kari on your butt!

    Allie Peters posted

  • We talking Travis Barker big or just regular size

    Paul Alexander posted

  • Yeah it would actually be pretty funny.

    Brandon DeCap posted

  • Should get hers done on you only to make it fair.

    Peter Cole posted

  • Meanie tell her to add a pic of your mulletttttt

    Lindsey Brent posted

twitter comments

  • wow.

    tannersoap posted

  • haha do it!

    reddhed posted

  • dare me?

    broox posted

  • double dog dare you!!

    reddhed posted

  • shit! ...ok.

    broox posted

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