
Do any of you other @CornellCollege peeps feel like you're being spammed right now?

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facebook comments

  • I thought about starting a rumor that the data verification thing was a scam.

    Adam Finlayson posted

  • Mine went into the garbage.

    Josh Lueck posted

  • Allie and I got them. Along with phone calls a few times a week.

    Shannon Peters posted

  • And an email...and yes, is it spam? I was wondering!

    Tara Drollinger posted

  • I didn't even graduate and they want money

    Nathan Deutmeyer posted

twitter comments

  • yes, I deleted the message.

    DreaArzuaga posted

  • @ibcheerful @broox We've gotten complaints, and we're working to address them. We promise your data is safe, though:

    CornellCollege posted

  • I got that email and I don't if I will be doing it. I just wanna make sure I get my Cornell Report

    Pastry_P posted

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