
If Facebook isn't embarrassed by their Android app, they should be. So terrible.

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facebook comments

  • still dont know why there is no ipad app

    Cliff Wynne posted

  • I imagine it's because the website works fine on the ipad.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • well same can be said on any mobile device though...granted the ipad has a larger screen format

    Cliff Wynne posted

  • ha, yea. the full site is much more useable on the ipad than the mobile site on a phone.

    Derek Brooks posted

twitter comments

  • RT @broox: If Facebook isn't embarrassed by their Android app, they should be. So terrible. // Agreed. iPhone app is just as bad.

    KevinSwitzer posted

  • it is almost as bad as their iPad app... oh right....

    skabaru posted

  • ha, true. Luckily the website works pretty well on the ipad... then you can just install the iPhone Facebook app for notifications.

    broox posted

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