
A corporate company that one of my buddies works for is requiring its employees to accept facebook friend requests from other employees. wtf

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facebook comments

  • WTF? umm how bout no .... dont companies ask people to keep there work / social life separate ...

    Jesse Michael Aldridge posted

  • I have 2 accounts, one personal, one for work.

    Ben Stockwell posted

  • go ahead accept the friend request then put them into a friend group with null permissions :D

    Cliff Wynne posted

  • "Requiring?" For real?

    Mitchell Pilon posted

  • quit

    Tag Solomon posted

  • So thankful I don't work for corporate America. Shit is whack.

    Pam Weigle posted

twitter comments

  • that is effed.

    aaronsalmon posted

  • WOW! Probably so the bosses can check up on them and see what they're doing. #Micromanaging

    reddhed posted

  • @broox I hope @milksteakneggs doesn't try and add me as a Facebook friend! Hahaha just kidding

    lancebenz posted comments

  • That's funny, because the corporate company I work for blocks access to Facebook.

    Kevin M posted