
In Omaha! Enjoying complimentary wine n cookies on Hilton, then sushi at blue, then Big Omaha opening party.

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  • When are you hitting up Sushi? I'm killing time at our hotel until the opening party.

    Alexander Grgurich posted

  • In 30 mins maybe? I think we're gonna hit blue unless you know of something better. What hotel are you at?

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Gotcha, I'm at Fairfield Inn, a mile or so away. I've got to wait for Shane to get here, otherwise I'd love to join you guys.

    Alexander Grgurich posted

  • Blue is nice :)

    Andy Sorensen posted

  • Are you in Omaha, Andy?

    Derek Brooks posted

  • No, I'm in the Netherlands ;) I've just eaten at Blue a few times, and it's tasty!

    Andy Sorensen posted

  • Have fun at geek camp, hope you guys come back jazzed about techie junk again :)

    Tia Bougher posted

twitter comments

  • @KariLantz you are gonna miss some awesomeness here... @broox and I will fill you in when we get back, don't worry

    lucky33 posted

  • Awesome sushi @bluesushiomaha with @broox...good start to Big Omaha

    lucky33 posted

  • @lucky33 @broox is that sushi place way out, and has a lot of blue lights behind the bar? Lot of decorative empty vodka bottles.

    mikeharper posted

  • @mikeharper @lucky33 it's in old market and has blue lights behind the sushi bar with videos of surfers playing and a fancy lounge upstairs.

    broox posted

  • I'm at CAPiTOL Lounge & Supper Club w/ @broox @geoffwood

    LeviRosol posted

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