
Things that don't need claws: house cats.

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  • Next time I see you I'm gong to cut off your fingers and see how YOU like it. That's a joke, I wouldn't do that. No, but seriously, I'm going to.

    Mitchell Pilon posted

  • Next time I see you I'm going to put on my wolverine claws and scratch all your shit up. ... That's also a joke. I wouldn't do that.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • I just liked this a lot.

    Jessica Feinman posted

twitter comments

  • Ever tried to scratch an itch after you clipped your nails too short?

    themartincard posted

  • ever wanted to own shit that isn't used as a scratching post? ;)

    broox posted

  • I know about that all too well!

    themartincard posted

  • @broox @brandihoffine lt Is so amazing.. and the worldwide media attention and to know that South Korea is the reason??

    ji990905 posted

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