
Ointment is such a gross word. Say it with me... ointment... ointment.

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  • oint

    Clint James Ecker posted

  • Ment

    Rico Larson posted

  • Ointment

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Its just like Sesame Street!

    Shari Dana Goggin-Ward posted

  • T....aint.....

    Rico Larson posted

  • My taint is moist from all this ointment

    Derek Brooks posted

  • HahahahHahaha. Awesome.

    Rico Larson posted

  • Derek, your ointment feels so good all over me

    Eric Leeper posted

twitter comments

  • How about "moist ointment"? RT @broox Ointment is such a gross word. Say it with me... ointment... ointment.

    proxient posted

  • <in sal rosenberg's voice> "salve."

    kylembecker posted

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