
I just bought 500 bullets

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  • Did you get hosed on ammo prices?

    Tanner Gregory posted

  • i dunno, i barely knew what i was doing, hahaha. just helping some family stock up because they only sell 1 box per person.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • What'd you get/what'd you pay, if you don't mind me asking?

    Tanner Gregory posted

  • a "big box" of .22cal long rifle american eagles for $25. i have no idea what the count was.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • oh, that's decent at least.

    Tanner Gregory posted

  • Did you run out?

    Shari Dana Goggin-Ward posted

  • Pretty sure that's punishable by 5-10 years in the joint for straw purchaser laws. May want to discontinue that practice

    Mike Compton posted

  • does iowa have that for ammo sales?

    Tanner Gregory posted

  • Pretty sure that's federal. Normally applies to firearms but since ammo is FOID as well....

    Mike Compton posted

  • I think only Illinois has the FOID. Might be legal in Iowa, but not IL

    Tanner Gregory posted

  • The transaction of him receiving $ for it would make him an unlicensed broker, Iowa or not :)

    Mike Compton posted

  • Pew pew pew

    Jeff Wingert posted

  • Can you give me the law that states that? google gives me nothing and now I'm curious. I've never heard of a straw-purchase of ammunition, but I could be wrong.

    Tanner Gregory posted

  • Hmm. IA it apparently is legal to sell as long as the person is over 21 and not subject to the federal laws here: Yet another reason IL sucks. In that case, feel free to purchase $500 worth of 9mm for me Derek and transport across state lines *whistles*

    Mike Compton posted

  • For a second I thought you got all comic nerd and I was excited. But that's only 100 Bullets. Alas.

    Elizabeth Reynolds Smithson posted

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