
I walked my age in miles this weekend... 32 miles for my 32nd birthday.

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  • That'll be super cool when you are 100!

    Shari Dana Goggin-Ward posted

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  • that's a bad challenge, wait until you've got a walker and have to do 80 @ 80

    mikeharper posted

  • I certainly hope this trend does not continue. 32 was plenty.

    broox posted

  • Happy Happy Birthday @broox !!

    DrJoshJ posted

  • Happy birthday to my favorite person! @broox I am so lucky I get to share life with you! You are the best. Xo.

    kbroox posted

  • Happy Birthday, @broox

    tzsfo posted

  • I'm at Lunar Technology Corporation w/ @broox

    clint posted

  • Happy Birthday dude. lets pizza.

    hhhealthy posted

  • happy birthday man.

    littlelazer posted

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