
So the W hotel saw Kari in a wheelchair and offered to "upgrade" us to a handicapped accessible room for $50. Seriously, wtf.

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  • $50 for the room or additional for the HA room?

    Dave Boyd posted

  • Uhh, is that legal?

    Kelsey Seaberg posted

twitter comments

  • what the fuck?

    wxwill posted

  • for your "convenience"

    harper posted

  • sounds like grounds for a law suit under the ADA. Hurry, call Gloria Allred!

    crutt posted

  • @WHotels Please fix this? RT @broox: So the W saw Kari in a wheelchair and offered to "upgrade" us to a handicapped accessible room for $50

    natekontny posted

  • That's awful. :(

    natekontny posted

  • @natekontny If there is something we can assist with, we can speak with the guest directly. @broox is there something we can help with?

    WHotels posted

  • @WHotels $50 for an "upgrade" to a handicap accessible room? That seems like a broken policy. @broox

    natekontny posted

  • @broox @natekontny Thx for bringing to our attention. Appreciate the feedback. Can you please DM stay info so we can follow up w/property?

    WHotels posted

  • I didn't even really notice at first but then when I went to grab our luggage I was like... Wait. That was really fucked up.

    broox posted

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