
You know what I love? Health care coverage savin our butts. You know what I don't? Hospitals bein all, "pay us your deductible RIGHT NOW"

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  • Make payments. They won't send you to collections if you are many good faith payments. I've got the same problem.

    Shannon Schear posted

  • i mean, we can pay it. it just kinda blows my mind that we got our bill only a few weeks after getting out and it's due less than a week later.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • whoa. wtf.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • you know it

    Doris Foulks Cowin posted

  • I'll give birth on the street before I let them just charge shit to my card!!!!!! Birthin babes is expensive!!

    Shannon Schear posted

  • for the record, so is getting MS. ...not sure which is worse though.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Before you even see a Doc! I've always just ignored them & gotten away with it. "I don't pay anything until I'm sure all bills have been submitted/paid by all insurance carriers". Worked for Moms stuff too.

    Dave Boyd posted

  • C'mon, Derek...they are starving to death...they need $!!

    Stephanie Marsden Lugo posted

  • And they wonder why 60% of America's debt is due to medical bills!

    Made Up posted

twitter comments

  • I've always asked for and received manageable payment plans. Ask!

    lashout posted

  • I just paid it, haha. Still. wtf.

    broox posted

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