
It may soon be time to migrate my photos to Google+

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  • Funny, I just had to get on Google+ for a meeting and wondered why it still exists.

    Kevin Switzer posted

  • Because it integrates your identity with all of the Google products and services?

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Do people actually use it though? If so, I'll take the time to set up a profile. Or is everyone just using Facebook still?

    Kevin Switzer posted

  • I think you should stop thinking about it as a social network.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Oh... then... what is it? haha

    Kevin Switzer posted

  • It's your identity on Google and integrates with all other Google products… gmail, contacts, hangouts, photos, youtube, etc. Obviously there are also social aspects like sharing, status updates, and check-ins. But I don't think those are at the forefront at the time being.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Be careful I was told google + is going away - but they might be in the education world

    Katie Barker McIntosh posted

twitter comments

  • Why Google+? I thought flikr is the place to be now. Do you have more than 1TB?

    nickberger posted

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