
This cashier just explained to me that 5% off would be like saving $5 for every $100 I spent.

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facebook comments

  • How old was the cashier? It may have been a major accomplishment for that person.

    Dave Boyd posted

  • great simile....She's a poet!

    Portis Hershey posted

  • Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog.

    Josh Lueck posted

twitter comments


    sandy_raymon posted

  • WHAT? why was I not made aware of this?!?!

    dylanr posted

  • Now That’s Mathemagical! ™

    okdan posted

  • startup idea: an API that tells you how many dollars you’d save for every $100 you spend at X% off.

    dryan posted

  • @dryan @broox I don't think there are enough EC2 instances to keep up with the load on that.

    iandees posted

  • @dryan @broox Dear Sir, Would you be interested in investing in my line of digital abacus’?

    okdan posted

  • @iandees @dryan @broox Put them in a queue. They'll get sorted later.

    marihuertas posted

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