
That @nest protect seems awesome... but I'm not sure I can justify buying 6 of these things.

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facebook comments

  • I have the nest thermostat at home and we have 3 at work. That product is great.

    Dick Ford posted

  • totally. i keep saying, "i'll wait til the next house" to get the thermostat … but i'm getting close to breaking on it. their new detectors are neat, but i'd need 6 of them (to get around my existing wired interconnects) and since they're also CO detectors, they expire after 5-7 years.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • $$$

    Dick Ford posted

  • yep.

    Derek Brooks posted

twitter comments

  • @broox @nest and it isn't something you want to skimp on.

    harper posted

  • right? I have 6 smoke detectors in my house. And changing the batteries isn't hard. Not sure that it solving a real problem i have.

    skabaru posted

  • @harper @broox I wish there were @nest sliding scale volume discounts.

    jeffrey posted

  • is that what they recommend? Clearly should have named it Hive.

    crutt posted

  • I’m putting one in and then deciding whether it’s worth more

    mikeharper posted

  • if they're interconnected, you may have problems (or at least have to hard wire bypass the one you replace)

    broox posted

  • my house is old, I don’t have powered smoke detectors

    mikeharper posted

  • @jeffrey @broox @nest yep. But small volumes. Lol.

    harper posted

  • @harper @broox @nest haha yeah, as in "more than one of the same thing"

    jeffrey posted

  • @jeffrey @harper @broox @nest yeah that would be nice. bought one nest this weekend for my folks, buying the others would get pricey fast

    Stammy posted

  • @harper @jeffrey @nest especially when you have to re-purchase them every 5-7 years.

    broox posted

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