
One of these days, I'd love to go to Germany and bring home a BMW on European delivery. I really hope this happens.

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  • It actually saves you money (the vat/shipping/euro delivery) if the car is expensive enough. Probably wouldnt make financial sense on a 3 series, but it may on a 5 or 6, and definitely above that.

    Christian Renaud posted

  • My friend did that last year and man is her car drool worthy!

    Made Up posted

  • I have talked to a lot of people in BMWCCA that have done the Euro pick up it really sounds like the way to go

    Aaron Taraboletti posted

  • But if you didn't drive the Nürburgring before coming back I'd be disappointed.

    Maxwell Earnest posted

  • I wish I did this so I could take my 4 series to 155mph on the autobahn

    Leo Zhadanovsky posted

  • Ya blew it!

    Derek Brooks posted

  • it’s never if, it’s when… that’s living, sir.

    Dannie Combs posted

twitter comments

  • why not a Merc or better yet a Porsche.

    petercolejr posted

  • I'm not a big Mercedes fan and I like Porsches, but they're not my style.

    broox posted

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