
I would love to see some sort of @RunKeeper / @waze mash up to help curate cycling trails, closures, hazards, traffic, etc.

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facebook comments

  • So make it.

    Kevin Switzer posted

  • Yea, with all that spare time I have for side development... heh.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • The best part about waze in Orlando is that a lot of people use it:

    Kevin Switzer posted

twitter comments

  • @broox You're describing @HammerheadNav from what I can tell. Saw that @bfeld has invested in them. Check it out:

    miketempleton posted

  • @miketempleton interesting. The software/service side of @HammerheadNav sounds right... not sure I'm looking for new hardware though.

    broox posted

  • Don't know a ton about them, but I saw they were into nav and it looked like they had an app. Not sure if it pairs to other devices.

    miketempleton posted

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