
People in Chicago really put a lot of effort into how they look.

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  • They so here too. It's just misplaced

    Nathan Deutmeyer posted

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  • you should see the big hair and makeup in DFW.

    tzsfo posted

  • and I’m not just talking about the ladies.

    tzsfo posted

  • never go to Miami

    davidcrespo posted

  • I've been... Not saying Chicago is the worst, but it's definitely one of the first things I notice every time I visit.

    broox posted

  • it's me isn't it.

    dylanr posted

  • @dylanr @broox Dylan, you're a sexy, sexy man.

    therealfitz posted

  • @therealfitz I get that a lot ;) /cc @broox

    dylanr posted

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