
Just registered for Bike MS Cruise the Cornfields! main.nationalmssocie...e-2014

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  • Mathew wanted me to check with you on which route you will do. The 25, the 50 or the 100?

    Vicki Brooks Terronez posted

  • We're doing the 25.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Good, the 100 is out of the question for me and definitely for Mathew.

    Vicki Brooks Terronez posted

  • ha, yea. the routes are here: bikemnm.nationalmsso...e.html

    the difference with this event is that it actually costs money to register ($30 or $20 with a discount code) and each person has to individually raise at least $100.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Yeah, I went to the sight and saw that. I'll keep you posted. What is the discount code for the registration fee?

    Vicki Brooks Terronez posted

  • bike2014

    Derek Brooks posted

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