
We live in a world where people feel like they need to declare that their opinions are their own ... This makes absolutely zero sense to me.

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    Jay Olsen posted

  • If we don't, people will attack those that you are associated with. For instance I'm sure my employer appreciates the distinction

    Isaiah McGee posted

  • will they really though? and if so, does that little line on a bio really stop anyone? when you say something, i assume you said it, not anyone you're associated with... unless, of course you quote them or retweet them.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • A lot of political types put that byline, to distinguish when it's their voice rather than someone they are associated with. Smart folks are able to distinguish the difference. But some folks like to play gotcha games and will say "does company x agree w/ this statement ?" It's a disclaimer that unfortunately is needed for some people. Kinda like "do not try this at home"

    Isaiah McGee posted


    Clint James Ecker posted

  • Like this one

    Kent Putz posted

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