
Hey @swarmapp, can you please fix your shit?

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  • Hey Derek, anything specific we can answer for you?

    4sqSupport posted

  • every check-in now says it fails due to network problems, but it actually works, which restarting the app proves.

    broox posted

  • Swarm v2014092521. Android. Nexus 5. T-Mobile. All around my home town.

    broox posted

  • Oh no! Can you please try to delete the app and reinstall? Thanks so much!

    4sqSupport posted

  • didn't help. Crashed on 1st open. Opened again, tried to check-in, "Check-in failed. Try again?" Restarting app shows it worked.

    broox posted

  • the "Network unavailable" check-in errors happen even on solid WiFi.

    broox posted

  • We're taking a closer look at these issues now. So sorry for the inconvenience!

    4sqSupport posted

  • @4sqSupport @broox my swarm app won't let me login. Failed. Try again. What???? Help

    nooccar posted

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