
been workin on this at @modest: "After 2 years in stealth mode ex-Obama tech team unveils 'shop everywhere' platform" www.builtinchicago.o...atform

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facebook comments

  • Go Derek!

    Brian Gailbreath posted

  • Very impressive! Nice work Derek.

    Laura Antonuccio posted

  • Very impressive! Nice work Derek.

    Laura Ant posted

  • Finally I will be able to shop online with less confusion and panic.

    Tania Saenz Proaño posted

  • Very cool Derek!!! The hard work is paying off. Congratultions!

    Craig Brooks posted

  • Congrats!

    Matt Terronez posted

  • Sweet!

    Gabe Terronez posted

twitter comments

  • built in Chicago lolz

    tolar posted

  • and des moines, dc, brooklyn, sf, virginia, slc, and on down to saaannnn aaannnntonnnnnne.

    broox posted

  • @broox @modest Awesome to see, congrats!

    jharr posted

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