
I want to light the Des Moines financial center orange for MS Awareness week next week. Who can introduce me to someone to make that happen?

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facebook comments

  • see my email, let me know if they don't respond

    Alexander Grgurich posted

  • see my email, let me know if they don't respond

    Alexander Grgurich posted

  • My brother in laws firm did the light install if Alexander's contact doesn't respond let me know

    James Eliason posted

  • My brother in laws firm did the light install if Alexander's contact doesn't respond let me know

    James Eliason posted

twitter comments

  • @broox Maybe try @JoelAschbrenner, he covers downtown development for the DMR and might know the best way to contact the ownership group.

    geoffwood posted

  • @geoffwood @broox Good question. Let me see if I can make a connection. Hold please.

    JoelAschbrenner posted

  • Any recommendations on an online back-up for photos? @broox: what do you use?

    lisakayrunkel posted

  • flickr gives you 1000GB for free. That's what I use. Amazon prime also comes with unlimited storage, but it's hard to browse.

    broox posted

  • thanks! Does flickr have a private option? #newbie #technicallychallenged

    lisakayrunkel posted

  • yup

    broox posted

  • where do you think I keep all my *good* college photos?

    broox posted

  • What's your email address?

    JoelAschbrenner posted

  • @JoelAschbrenner

    broox posted

  • I sent the financial center's owner your email address and told him about your idea. I'll holler if I hear anything.

    JoelAschbrenner posted

  • <3 ... I'd be happy to meet someone in person any time this week as well if it helps.

    broox posted

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