
For MS awareness week, I want y'all to be aware that MS is a terrible thing and that @kbroox is an amazing woman and ultimate fighter.

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facebook comments

  • You both are amazing Derek! Wish you guys the best!

    Travis Webb posted

  • You both are amazing Derek! Wish you guys the best!

    Travis Webb posted

  • Kari really shows MS whose boss though... She's so boss! ☺️

    Ashley Ibsen posted

  • Kari really shows MS whose boss though... She's so boss! ☺️

    Ashley Ibsen posted

  • She's a solider 😘πŸ’ͺ and my girl crush!

    Mindy Hoskin posted

  • She's a solider 😘πŸ’ͺ and my girl crush!

    Mindy Hoskin posted

  • Same

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Same

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Keep fighting and stay strong! You got this!!! Sending up prayers! XO

    Joan Townsend Van Nest posted

  • Keep fighting and stay strong! You got this!!! Sending up prayers! XO

    Joan Townsend Van Nest posted

  • She is amazing and very lucky to have you by her side!!

    Teresa Renaud Reynolds posted

  • She is amazing and very lucky to have you by her side!!

    Teresa Renaud Reynolds posted

twitter comments

  • @broox @kbroox Cool if I copy/payeest that electronic mail to FB and tayeeg all the QC folk?

    Could be sick, brojah.

    PilonMitchell posted

  • @PilonMitchell @kbroox go fer it, broseph!

    broox posted

  • Guess whose husband got this building lit up orange for MS Awareness Week? That @broox is seriously one amazing guy.

    kbroox posted

  • @kbroox @broox -- I took a walk thru the skywalk tonight, saw the orange, and thought it was really kool. Even kooler now! πŸ˜ƒ

    kristinknudtson posted

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