
Just realized that the nearest (unmarked) bus stop to the Des Moines Department of Transportation is 2.5 miles away... Great job, Des Moines

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  • But you live in Ann-kenny! Why is it DSM's problem? For that matter, the DOT is in or near Ann-kenny as well. Hmmmmmm. btw, did you know that Ann Kenny and Al Tuna are having "a thing?"

    Dave Boyd posted

  • i'm talking about the one in ankeny. as far as i know, it's the only place in the metro that issues *new* licenses. so if you want a license and don't have a ride, there's no public transportation option to get there.

    Derek Brooks posted

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  • the " Des Moines bus system is crap" my 16 yr old daily commuter

    ThriftedWisdom posted

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