
I wanna slap everyone who says, "you're the only one who will notice" when something is wrong or broken.

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  • They are just trying to make you feel better...

    Allie Peters posted

  • slapping is too kind a response for those folks!

    Stephanie Bowtie posted

  • And every time I'm in my basement that I completely redid mostly by myself, every single shortcut and mistake, I see them. Every time.

    Ben Stockwell posted

  • This sounds like Zach Larson

    Amy Larson posted

  • Seriously. You're the one who has to see it every day. If you're the only one who notices, you're still the most important one.

    Jenna Schofield posted

  • Yes, you will. And it will drive you insane.

    Jonathon Smithson posted

  • I will notice your shoddy electrical work.

    Adam Pence posted

  • So frequently it really is true, tho. And, without mistakes we'd not have perfection.

    Perfection accounts for a lot, but not being thwarted by imperfection can mean a world of difference. :-) I think that's the point.

    Lannea Auguste Olson Brooks posted

  • Damned straight!

    Mike Wagenblast posted

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  • ruh roh

    ashinthewindy posted comments

  • Hmmmmm .. I would have attributed that quote to you while discussing the Nevada project .. Now you get it.

    Kari's Dad .. posted