
I wonder what sorts of things my identity thief was buying at hardware stores in Omaha... What if fake me is remodeling a house too!!!

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  • Oh keep updating on this ....there could be a sequel to identity thief staring you bro....

    Two people, one identity, they fight to see who can remodel their house first but there's a catch, the looser has to foot the bill. Dun dun dun

    Greg Crellin posted

twitter comments

  • Did you see @broox's new license:

    harper posted

  • what if that's not fake YOU. what if you are fake HIM!?

    aaronsalmon posted

  • @harper @broox is it RealID enabled?

    entropealab posted

  • it's usually gift cards or tools (easily resold). :(

    Arkmashton posted

  • that's no fun... i wanted to have a BUILD-OFF with fake me to see who could build the better home.

    broox posted

  • can you walk over to menard corp and tell them it wasn't me who bought those things?

    broox posted

  • I’ll ask John Menard the next time we’re hanging out. And by “hanging out”, I mean "protesting in front of his house".

    aaronsalmon posted

  • have you been sleep-remodelling again?

    tolar posted

  • give ol Scott Walker a shout out for me while you're at it!

    broox posted

  • I will! Perfect timing really, I need to give him this anyway.

    aaronsalmon posted

  • @broox @harper I had someone steal my credit card once and run up $1700 at Chuck E Cheese

    norcross posted

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