
Why does censored rap music exist?

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  • Because satellite radio and the internet didn't exist! 😉

    Jennifer Davis posted

  • So kids can drive their parents crazy:)

    Michelle Inez Pohlmeyer posted

  • I like to listen to rap but I don't like my 1 year old droppin' F bombs and throwing around the N word

    Joe Ogrin posted

  • Because ___ you, that's why.

    Kasey McCurdy posted

  • This is one of the unanswered questions of our time.

    Drew Ahrold posted

twitter comments

  • Walmart has to have a rap section to avoid criticisms over a lack of diversity in their music section.

    RyanK posted

  • air horn cash register gunshot

    Arkmashton posted

  • probably the combination of record company revenue and scared white americans.

    jeffrey posted

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