
Kari borrows my car. Leaves me with a tank that is 5 miles from empty. Kewl.

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  • I do that to Andi all the time...

    Zachary Dalton posted

  • Women!

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Fill 'er up! I won't be out at 2am tonight.

    Tia O'Brien posted

  • Bah that's just an estimate. You should be good for at least 6, maybe 7 miles. #thingswivesdo

    Mike Compton posted

  • Get used to it. That's how my wife rolls too! Every weekend!

    Jeremy Koch posted

  • Another reason to buy a stick.

    Jonathon Smithson posted

  • Thata girl! 😄

    Bre'anna Brooks Emmitt posted

  • One time, my dad went out to get gas and came back with a new car. His excuse was, "They filled up the tank in the new car for free."

    Kevin Switzer posted

twitter comments

  • Nothing more frustrating!! Is that your rule when borrowing cars? Always make sure to return it with a full tank?

    MinorWreck posted

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