
A woman just ran a stop light in front of me. These huge ass M4 breaks prevented a serious wreck... but I still need a new bumper. Annoying.

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  • Ugh. :(

    Kevin Switzer posted

  • The same reason Helen Keller couldn't drive...

    Peter Cole posted

  • Argh!

    Joe Ogrin posted

  • Oh my

    Doris Foulks Cowin posted

  • OMG. First scratch. A big one.

    Matt Terronez posted

  • Shitty

    Keith Kerschieter posted

  • oh helllll no

    Rico Larson posted

  • What? That sucks.

    Scott Harrington posted

  • NOooooo!

    Vicki Brooks Terronez posted

  • New car syndrome. I was in two accidents the first year with mine. I'm glad it wasn't worse! Be careful out there!

    Lannea Auguste Olson Brooks posted

  • Ouch! Glad you are okay, but damn that hurts.

    Michael Clark posted

  • Oh man...some people

    Gabe Terronez posted

  • Does the M4 have a forward collision warning/braking system?

    Ben Sinclair posted

  • So sorry man!

    Yusuf Bangura posted

twitter comments

  • oof sorry to hear that!

    leozh posted

  • glad you're ok, but 😩 for the bumper

    iandees posted

  • You got hit? Fuck that.

    PilonMitchell posted

  • I hit

    broox posted

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