
The rise of ignorance and prejudice in our country recently is absolutely disgusting. The fact that this is even close is unreal.

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  • Completely agree.

    Jamie Grimes posted

  • People are literally not voting for him just against her. Its truly awe inspiring. 75% of votes on both sides are backing but more anti the other. Hopefully people realize that there is sooooo much importance in the primaries/caucuses before we get stuck with these two.

    DjCj CaseySaari posted

  • I feel icky.

    Allie Peters posted

  • Can't even believe this! Still hoping! I mean really Trump as president!

    Craig Brooks posted

  • Agreed.

    Teri Klok posted

  • yep, its the anti votes that made this possible. The hatred for her was underestimated.

    Dustin Iverson posted

  • That people would support a moral vacuum like Trump and use "I just don't like Hillary" as a reason is moronic.

    Elizabeth Reynolds Smithson posted

  • Probably the negative campaign she's been running. We are all tired of seeing it. I'm glad this will be over either way.

    Nathan Deutmeyer posted

  • This is absolutely terrifying!

    Stephanie Hernandez posted

  • The era of misleading media and democratic hypocrisy is OVER!

    Dannie Combs posted

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