It was literally it's own app, so like he seemingly cancels the Uber fair or talks a drunken rider into not using the Uber fair and puts in his own multiplier to get whatever fair he wants for the ride
Derek Brooks
ruthie b
Definitely report that asshole
Bill Thruman
Lyft for lyfe
Zac Short
How does he get paid if it's not going through Uber?
facebook comments
Kevin Switzer posted
Wait what?!?
Portis Hershey posted
This is a real thing?!
ruthie b posted
It was literally it's own app, so like he seemingly cancels the Uber fair or talks a drunken rider into not using the Uber fair and puts in his own multiplier to get whatever fair he wants for the ride
Derek Brooks posted
ruthie b posted
Definitely report that asshole
Bill Thruman posted
Lyft for lyfe
Zac Short posted
How does he get paid if it's not going through Uber?
Brad Dwyer posted
twitter comments
tolar posted
How does that even work? My phone just charges me with no driver involved?
andrewljohnson posted
wait. he asks them for cash? or to swipe their cards?
davidcrespo posted
it's it's own app. So he seemingly convinces the uninformed/drunken rider that cash is the way, chooses his own surge, and..
broox posted
cancels the trip. Chooses surge. Asks for cash.
broox posted
wow. messed up
davidcrespo posted
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