
Friends who have personal sites or APIs, what are your apps built on? where do you host your stuff?

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  • sounds crazy... but GoDaddy cloud. No yearly sub. Starts at $5 a month for a dedicated IP blank box.

    JShinbot posted

  • digital ocean. Python and tornado

    tolar posted

  • @broox @harper aws everything

    wssrstrm posted

  • @broox @harper $5 digital ocean box running Ghost for blog. (cloudflare infront of it)

    Everything else: heroku

    mscccc posted

  • @broox @harper App Engine for free 😊

    francesc posted

  • @francesc @broox @harper harp, when are you coming over to have us unblerg your stuff?

    milesward posted

  • @broox static websites, @googlecloud cloud storage.

    complexsplit posted

  • @milesward @francesc @broox @harper warning, contains openstack private cloud.

    complexsplit posted

  • @broox either @awscloud or @googlecloud - for quick and easy personal APIs @zeithq is unbeatable

    cw posted

  • @complexsplit @francesc @broox @harper ahhh that's ok, we can tidy that up too #baleeted

    milesward posted

  • @milesward @francesc @broox I really need to. Next time I am in SJ?

    harper posted

  • @broox using @googlecloud since golang is a first class citizen on app engine

    danalert posted

  • s3/lambda

    cgansen posted

  • i've been using heroku with a bunch of tiny things and haven't gone above the free dyno hours yet.

    iandees posted

  • on s3/cloudfront

    alexlouden posted

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