
Anyone wanna drive my car home for me?

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facebook comments

  • Uber?

    Danny Carman posted

  • Yep.

    Becky Curry posted

  • The BMW? Yes

    Tanner Grigutis posted

  • Plz come to wellmans

    Derek Brooks posted

  • I'd be the best man for the job

    Sean Vasey posted

  • I need a ride as well

    Nathan Thome posted

  • Yep, MY house

    Dustin Iverson posted

twitter comments

  • We're Pop Up Coworking here today! (@ Pigott, Inc in Des Moines, IA w/ @broox)

    geoffwood posted

  • This is exactly the concept of my startup idea, rebU

    okdan posted

  • yep

    iandees posted

your comments