
Some cops just stopped me to talk about my car, lol... Thought for sure I was getting a ticket there.

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  • As in they pulled you over and said "hey, we just thought we'd compliment you on your car."?

    Jon Thompson posted

  • pretty much. i was just pulling out of this gas station on my way back to the office when 2 cops walked in front of my car telling me to stop... they just liked my car and wanted to talk, haha. one of them really wants an M5. 😀

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Are you freaking kidding? Bob can break all kinds of laws and the cops just give him the thumbs up. Me, I blow my nose and I get a ticket! Bet the cop was a man. 😠

    Cheryl Froehlich posted

  • It's a beauty!!

    Janet Schmidt posted

  • Imagine if you had some dope wheels.

    Jonathon Smithson posted

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