
Is there a way to get a schedule for when Google (or any other) map imaging satellites will fly over my house?

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  • So you can be in the yard?

    Tara Allard posted

  • Eh, just print a life-sized pic of yourself sunbathing naked on a lounge chair, and staple it to your roof—then you're set for whenever it happens.

    Karen Weiss posted

  • Sky maps?

    Stephen E Rosenshein posted

twitter comments

  • @broox My friend @kevin_bullock can tell you when satellites will be overhead. But Google buy new images infrequently so you might not see it

    iandees posted

  • @iandees @broox đź‘‹ yes Google does not have satellites but @DigitalGlobe does. You can send me your coordinates or u…

    kevin_bullock posted

  • @broox @harper In Des Moines? Probably Digital Globe imagery - what’s the resolution of the available imagery in Google Earth?

    alephbass posted

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