
This new Eminem album is very politically charged. It also sucks.

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  • Whatever happened to good old fashioned kill your girlfriend, Mom, and other random people? Now that was good wholesome Eminem.

    Ben Stockwell posted

  • Ugh...thanks for the disappointed to hear this...

    Stephanie Harper posted

  • FML!

    Mitchell Pilon posted

  • I disagree it's certainly not his best album but it's not the worst either is definitely a different type of Eminem album but it doesn't suck.

    Bill Thruman posted

  • I don’t think it sucks. It is different for him but worth listening too. Relapse is probably the worst album he has put out to date.

    Jonathon Smithson posted

  • So many of my friends have said this now. And I'm disappointed cause I was looking forward to listening to this.

    Nathan Deutmeyer posted

  • Hopsin just made a better Eminem album than Eminem has in like a decade

    Dustin Iverson posted

  • Was more into big name collabs for sales than sustenance... its ehh at best

    CJ Casey Saari posted

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