
What's a good Kesha song?

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  • I dig most of her latest album. "Praying" is incredible.

    Emma Walsmith posted

  • I feel like you are being facetious so I may regret answering but Praying and Hunt You Down are good (both off the new album).

    Allie Peters posted

  • Woman is currently most requested

    CJ Casey Saari posted

  • All of them!

    Denton Ward posted

  • Praying is amazing, especially if you know the background story.

    Catherine Bracy posted

  • I LIKED Praying...but is over played. I prefer her older work.

    Stephanie Harper posted

  • The answer is all of them!!

    Kirsten Margrethe posted

  • All of them.

    Tanner Grigutis posted

  • I was just asking because she was just announced as headlining a festival in DM and I was like, "wtf does she sing?" ... then I started streaming her top songs and realized that I know almost all of these, haha.

    Derek Brooks posted

  • What festival? I want to be there. Yesssssss. Good workout music.

    Elizabeth Reynolds Smithson posted

  • Are you guys going?! Mitch and Jess Fineman!? I can't seem to tag them, I'll just hope they see this. I'd be down to go with y'all again! Minus train hopping

    Kelly Lao posted

  • Woman is my FAVORITE!!!!

    Kristi Lingner posted

  • I concur with many of the above. Woman is a jamfest!

    Susie Brooks posted

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