
My Sonos has been skipping a lot when streaming tracks... which kinda makes the 90s hip hop I've been listening to extra nostalgic.

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  • Hi Derek, We have a great guide that has some tips for resolving audio drops, Let us…

    SonosSupport posted

  • They're not necessarily drops, it's like the track just jumps ahead a few seconds every so often. Seeing it pretty consistently across Amazon and Google services.

    broox posted

  • Got it. We'd be happy to take a look. Can you follow the steps here and let us know the confirmation number:

    SonosSupport posted

  • 1695339632

    broox posted

  • Thanks Derek. We're seeing data that indicates there are network traffic issues at times, which may leading…

    SonosSupport posted

  • I almost always stream to a group. I'll try just 1 player for a bit.

    broox posted

  • Got it. Let us know how it goes. If the music drops out again, run a diagnostic right after the drop and sen…

    SonosSupport posted

  • i've seen no skips since i ungrouped my speakers. 😕 how can i get this experience back with grouped speakers?

    broox posted

  • Got it, thanks for clarifying. We've got a few things we'd like for you to try. Mind sending us a DM so we h…

    SonosSupport posted

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