
Wheel shopping is hard

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  • Or easy... Just get em all.

    dylanr posted

  • Not helping!

    broox posted

  • Just saying... So long as you're under 40 *extra* sets, it could be worse... (Says the guy with an overflowing wheel room.)

    dylanr posted

  • Also, what're you looking at?

    dylanr posted

  • @dylanr @broox What about these?

    steve3poh posted

  • @steve3poh @broox Perfectly nice set of rotiforms. Why not have a set?!

    dylanr posted

  • Jeep stuff. Satin black (that doesn’t look plasti-dipped). Simple. Lightweight. Not beadlocks. Not fake beadlocks. 17x8.5-9. ~0 offset.

    broox posted

  • @broox @dylanr If you find some you like, please share. I have similar wants for my wrangler.

    dryan posted

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