
@Jackovin Yes

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  • You serious Clark?

    Jackovin posted

  • You take your mail-in ballot to your polling place and deliver it in person

    broox posted

  • That was not entirely true.

    You can mail in the completed ballot or hand-deliver it to the auditor’s office. You may not deliver the ballot to the polling place on Election Day, however.

    broox posted

  • Don’t throw the absentee ballot away. If you decide to vote in person, bring the absentee ballot to the polling place. You will have to surrender it in order to vote in person. If you’ve lost your ballot, you will have to vote a provisional ballot.

    broox posted

  • Got it. Take my absentee ballot to the polling place, smirk, and turn it in. Vote in person and tell Trump to bite me. Anything I’ve missed?

    Jackovin posted

  • We're fucked

    broox posted

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