
I dunno about y’all, but I’m pretty ok with thanksgiving being canceled this year.

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  • I don't really get why people keep saying it's cancelled? We're still going to eat as much food, watch as much football, etc. etc.

    arkmashton posted

  • Yea, I mean, Kari and I will still eat like assholes, but we do that all time anyway. It’s the intimacy and lack of a huge family gathering that seem pretty fine to me.

    broox posted

  • We've cancelled Thanksgiving with family since 2015 and it's the best thing to just hang out and get fat and hug and kiss.

    MPilonn posted

  • Do you kiss on the lips?

    broox posted

  • we love getting together with our big extended family for thanksgiving, but that's a modification, not a cancellation!

    arkmashton posted

  • Depends on if I'm good boi. Do you?

    MPilonn posted

  • @arkmashton @broox I am v into this modification, much preferred.

    victoriap8er posted

  • @victoriap8er @broox honestly I think we're all just a bunch of big dumb drama babies and we love to exaggerate eve…

    arkmashton posted

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