
The last time that I bought a new personal computer was 12 years ago... and I've never bought myself a new laptop. I think I'm due.

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  • I'm trying to hold out for a new M1 machine but apple is taking forever

    iandees posted

  • I was too, but yeah. Also, the differences between the M1 MacBook Air and Pro are so small that I can’t decide which to get

    broox posted

  • Yea. I imagine it's the same guts inside and the difference is the shell + touch bar for the Pro

    iandees posted

  • Different (but effectively the same size) shell πŸ€” + 0.2lbs heavier 🧐 + nicer speakers πŸ‘ + nicer mics πŸ‘ + 2 hour longer battery πŸ‘ + Touch bar πŸ‘Ž + active cooling πŸ‘ + $300 more πŸ€”

    broox posted

  • Oh good point on the speakers/mics. The speakers on my work 16" are significantly better and useful for streaming while traveling πŸ€”

    iandees posted

  • @broox @iandees they are so similar, it’s so weird. I have the mbp for work. the speakers and mic are pretty good

    davidcrespo posted

  • @davidcrespo @broox @iandees The air is such a great form factor!

    arkmashton posted

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