
If you get covid from making out, is that an STD?

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  • STV

    entropealab posted

  • Yea, but isn’t covid the disease that comes from the virus?

    broox posted

  • MOTD

    arkmashton posted

  • Depends on which base we’re talking about

    screaser posted

  • No. Sex was not an adjective, but an associated verb in your scenario.

    theotherdraper posted

  • Pet your pet, not your date.

    MPilonn posted

  • Hey, why don’t you date your pet, not your date

    broox posted

  • That's fuckin' gross, dude. Grow up.

    MPilonn posted

  • Oh ok sorry, I’m only 40.38 years old

    broox posted

  • It's ok. Sorry about that.

    MPilonn posted

  • Ok

    broox posted

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