
Can anyone tell me why Diet Coke is best out of a fountain, and then a can, but terrible out of a plastic bottle? While Diet Dewski is best out of a plastic bottle, and then a can, but terrible out of a fountain?

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bluesky comments

  • My best guess is that the fountain doesn't combine syrup, water and CO2 injection until it's ready to be dispensed. There's a wide margin of error in a soda machine, and I'm guess added stabilizers added to bottle versions so that ingredients don't separate.

    Chris Hahn 🍜 posted

  • I've discovered over the years that I actually prefer root beer less carbonated and served at 40 degrees and allowed to warm up slightly, no nice. Really changes the flavor profile. I undersand now why some people like hot Dr. Pepper. Temp really changes things too.

    Chris Hahn 🍜 posted

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