
Stuck on a train for 40 mins with some jamaican woman singing, "me no like lesbian, me no like party boys" repeatedly. Hilariously annoying.

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  • where is the "thumbs down" icon on this comment?

    Aaron M Krueger posted

  • thats so funny

    Katie Brown posted comments

  • Yeah, she was on the E train yesterday evening. I think it was "me no like no like batty boy" (see wikipedia entry on "batty boy"). If anyone did sit down in her end of the car she'd say in a huff: "quit following me" (at which point they'd get up and move...) Amazing how the entire subway car just rolled their eyes at this performance.

    Dan in Noo Yawk posted

  • She was on the train from 59th at the weekend, crying as she shouted that for 45 mins - it was all a bit surreal.

    Lucy posted