
good lunch; peeped the new apple goods and bought snow leopard. now, i just wanna go home and fix up my mini ...and see wtf ninja's up to.

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  • a snow leopard? like a wild cat?

    Staci Sheehy posted

  • well that's the mascot anyway...

    Derek Brooks posted

  • Not so wild anymore! I was there, he purchased a gun, some animal tranquilizers and some rope at Scheels. We then took the top off the jeep and drove around until we found a snow leopard and now Derek has that bad boy tied down in the back of his truck! Come to think of it, we should have gotten some beer too, real hunting then. Anyways, it was an awesome lunch!

    Todd Makinster posted

  • oh..i thought, a feline...

    Staci Sheehy posted

  • wow. u rebels.

    Staci Sheehy posted

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