
Whoa. Ankeny is getting a smashburger. ... I don't even know what that means, but I bet its awesome.

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  • There one on 86th st but I dunno what it is they leave the flyers/advertisement in my mailbox

    Jesse A Johnson posted

  • What?? It's soooooo good!!!

    Tiffany Nicole Schmeling posted

twitter comments

  • I've heard that Smashburger is awesome

    KevinSwitzer posted

  • its awesome and you'll love it

    right65 posted

  • they have Chicago dogs! Mmm beef hot dogs!

    DreaArzuaga posted

  • there is one on 22nd in wdm.

    aeongrey posted

  • yeah i've seen that. but now there's gonna be one within skating distance of my house...

    broox posted

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